Here is a no BS guide / tutorial to fixing a PS5 that wont turn on or the PS5 Black Screen after playstation logo. Where To Buy The PS5 ✅ ✅ Car Channel - ✅ Tech Channel - ✅ Gaming Channel - ✅ My Instagram - ✅ My Twitter - Here is a no BS guide to fixing the PS5s Black Screen after PS Logo. Fix 1. Power Off PS5 and Unplug External Drives. Then simply turn it back on. Fix 2. Lower Output Resolution in PS5 Safe mode. The steps to do this will be on screen for anyone unaware how to do this. Fix 3. Disable HDR, Deep color temp, and HDCP. To do this Go to Settings, select Screen and Video, and turn off 4K HDR, and Deep color temp. If the issue persists, disable HDCP as well. Fix 4. Change the HDMI Cable because it could have some bent pins, check the TV or Monitors input as well, to see if anythings bent. Fix 5. Hard Reset Your Console to Fix PS5 stuck on black screen on startup. To do this Keep your finger pressed on the power button for about 10 seconds so that it turns off completely. Remove the power behind the console and keep pressed the power button until there is no power. This will clear the cache. Fix 6. Try Plugging PS5 into a Different TV or Monitor because it could be the display not the console itself. If none of this worked then try contacting sony, Ill put the link down in the description for all of you SuperDan Gaming PC ✅ My Amazon Store for Tech & Gaming Products ✅ For Sponsor's & Branding Deals - Please contact me via email at (BUSINESS ONLY) FTC Disclosure: Any Amazon links provided are linked to my Amazon Affiliate account & I earn commission at no extra cost to you. #PS5 #SonyPS5 #Playstation